Jack (Hao) Bai

haob2 AT illinois DOT edu


Jack Bai is a first-year M.S. student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, guided by Prof. Nan Jiang, and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley under Prof. Sergey Levine. His research focuses on building intelligent and reliable machine agents that solve real-world tasks, which includes (1) representation learning for foundation models and (2) developing principled reinforcement learning algorithms. He was previously a visiting scholar with Prof. Yi Ma and a research assistant for Prof. Heng Ji and Prof. Chengxiang Zhai. Jack holds a dual undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering from UIUC and Zhejiang University. During his undergrad, he interned at Microsoft Research Asia (DKI Group), mentored by Dr. Shilin He. He has published several influential papers in top-tier machine learning conferences and journals, such as EMNLP, WSDM, and JMLR.

A public up-to-date resume can be found here.


Jul 01, 2024 This month, I’ll give an open-door talk at BAAI (register here), and closed-door talks at ICML FM-Wild Workshop (Oral), Moonshot.ai and Meituan.
Jun 20, 2024 My first first-authored paper DigiRL is released and selected as Oral at Foundation Models in the Wild Workshop @ ICML’2024. This work is gracefully under guidance of Prof. Aviral Kumar and Prof. Sergey Levine.
May 15, 2024 My first RL paper RL4VLM is released, gracefully under guidance of Prof. Sergey Levine. I’m extremely honored to also collaborate with Saining Xie and Yann Lecun.
Apr 12, 2024 My first representation learning (LM pre-training) paper CRATE is accepted by JMLR! Gracefully under guidance of Prof. Yi Ma and Yaodong Yu.
Feb 07, 2024 My follow-up work of SocialGen, CharmBana, has been published by WSDM’24, under guidance of Prof. Chengxiang Zhai.

Latest Posts

Selected Publications

  1. Preprint Oral @ ICML WS
    DigiRL: Training In-The-Wild Device-Control Agents with Autonomous Reinforcement Learning
    Hao Bai , Yifei Zhou, Jiayi Pan, Mert Cemri, Alane Suhr, Sergey Levine, and Aviral Kumar
    Jun 2024
  2. Preprint
    Fine-Tuning Large Vision-Language Models as Decision-Making Agents via Reinforcement Learning
    Yuexiang Zhai,  Hao Bai , Zipeng Lin, Jiayi Pan, Shengbang Tong, Yifei Zhou, Alane Suhr, Saining Xie, Yann LeCun, Yi Ma, and Sergey Levine
    May 2024
  3. JMLR
    White-Box Transformers via Sparse Rate Reduction: Compression Is All There Is?
    Yaodong Yu, Sam Buchanan, Druv Pai, Tianzhe Chu, Ziyang Wu, Shengbang Tong,  Hao Bai , Yuexiang Zhai, Benjamin D Haeffele, and Yi Ma
    Apr 2024
  4. WSDM’24
    CharmBana: Progressive Responses with Real-Time Internet Search for Knowledge-Powered Conversations
    Revanth Gangi Reddy, Sharath Chandra,  Hao Bai , Wentao Yao,  ..., and Chengxiang Zhai
    Feb 2024
  5. EMNLP’23
    Social Commonsense-Guided Search Query Generation for Open-Domain Knowledge-Powered Conversations
    Revanth Reddy,  Hao Bai , Wentao Yao, Sharath Chandra Etagi Suresh, Heng Ji, and ChengXiang Zhai
    Oct 2023